The replace string contains a carriage return and this program can’t do a replace across paragraph boundaries. The search string contains a carriage return and this program can’t do a find across paragraph boundaries. Line too long. Paragraphs are limited to 65000 characters. need an actual text size, ‘default’ is not allowed need the name of an actual font, ‘default’ is not allowed this version of preferences record is not supported updating of special characters is disabled expected ruler name ^2 illegal character(s) in text were replaced with '?' illegal character in text; code=^2, offset=^3 ruler names are limited to 31 characters Ruler names must consist of letters, numbers or '_' This is the name of an existing ruler this is not valid RTF syntax expected RTF style number RTF text too long expected RTF close group, '}' expected RTF open group, '{' expected RTF font name expected RTF font family expected RTF font number expected RTF control word in RTF input RTF input ended prematurely expected integer in RTF input expected RTF version code operation applies to formatted text only, not plain text operation applies to special characters only, such as PICTs